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The Word from Lansing is a regular column written by Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) staff for Catholic news outlets. Through these columns, MCC outlines current advocacy issues of importance to the Conference and discusses the Catholic position and role in the political process. This publication complements the more regular updates provided by Michigan Catholic Conference’s Catholic Advocacy Network.

    2020 Census—Counting Our Communities

    A crowd of people walking down the street

    Beginning in March, individuals across the country will participate in a national census. The 2020 Census will set Michigan’s representation in the U.S. House of Representatives, guide emergency preparedness planning, and determine how much federal funding is allocated to communities for the next decade. The Word from Lansing column for February highlights the upcoming Census and the importance of being counted.

    Censo de 2020—Contando Nuestras Comunidades

    Empezando en marzo, los habitantes a lo largo y ancho del país participaran en el censo nacional. El Censo de 2020 determinará la representación de Michigan en la Cámara de Representantes, guiará una planificación de preparación para emergencias y determinará la cantidad de aportación financiera federal que se distribuirá a las comunidades para la próxima década. La Palabra de Lansing en su columna de febrero destaca el censo y la importancia de ser contado.

    Patience and Persistence: Advocacy Successes in 2019

    A woman comforts her friend

    The beginning of January marks the halfway point of the 2019–2020 state legislative session. While the process of making good public policy is gradual and there is much work left to be done, MCC celebrates several recent advocacy successes at the State Capitol. The Word from Lansing column highlights successful efforts regarding juvenile justice reform, the protection of human life, and suicide prevention.

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