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News Release: ‘A Blueprint for the Common Good’

Michigan Catholic Conference Announces 2015–2016 Advocacy Principles

February 9, 2015

(Lansing, Mich.) — Legislative efforts to defend human life and dignity, religious liberty and policies that assist the poor and vulnerable are at the forefront of Michigan Catholic Conference’s advocacy principles for the 2015–2016 legislative session. Titled A Blueprint for the Common Good, the Conference’s advocacy framework for the 98th Michigan Legislature also calls for greater educational choice, defending the traditional definition of the family, restorative justice policies, and comprehensive immigration reform at the federal level of government.

“The work of promoting the dignity of the human person involves policies that address the beginning and the end of life, with equal attention to the years in between,” said Paul A. Long, Michigan Catholic Conference President and CEO. “We’ve published A Blueprint for the Common Good to call attention to the Conference’s advocacy on behalf of all human life, including the sick and the destitute, the abandoned and the unborn. In the coming two years, we hope to further advance the common good in Michigan and contribute to sound public policies that foster a morally-sound society where every person is dignified.”

At the beginning of each legislative session Michigan Catholic Conference Board of Directors approves the organization’s agenda for the coming two years. Specific legislative policies typically fall into the categories of Human Life and Dignity, Economic Justice and Regulatory Policies, Religious Liberty, Education, Children and Families, Health Care, Restorative Justice and Immigration. Federal issues are addressed in collaboration with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

“The Catholic Church’s involvement in the public square is intended to propose rather than impose,” said Long. “As an organization with goals that do not neatly fit into an ideological or partisan box, the Church’s efforts are focused on the person rather than politics. The breadth of policies to which we are called to address are both unique and necessary.”

A Blueprint for the Common Good was approved in December by the MCC Board of Directors and is being released this week through FOCUS, a periodic publication distributed to all Catholic parishes, schools, institutions and other locations and individuals across the state. Below is a detailed listing of public policy issues that are of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference in the categories mentioned above:

Human Life and Dignity

Economic Justice and Regulatory Policies

Religious Liberty


Children and Families

Health Care

Restorative Justice


Federal Issues

While some of the policies mentioned above may be addressed this legislative session, it is likely that additional policies of interest to the Conference will come forward that may not be included in this list. Michigan Catholic Conference staff will evaluate those policies based on whether or not they promote the common good and take action as deemed necessary.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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