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News Release: ‘Low-Income Students Will Benefit,’ MCC Says of Tuition Grant Program Increase

June 5, 2014

(Lansing)—A nearly six percent program funding increase for the Michigan Tuition Grant that benefits needs-based college students is being praised by Michigan Catholic Conference today.

“Students in need of financial assistance in order to attend college are most appreciative of this funding increase,” said Michigan Catholic Conference Policy Advocate Paul Stankewitz of the 5.9 percent increase to the Tuition Grant program in the Higher Education conference report. “Legislators, especially Senator Schuitmaker, deserve applause for invigorating a needs-based program that has received significant cuts over the past decade.”

Michigan Catholic Conference has advocated for the Tuition Grant program for decades as it provides financial assistance to low-income families and students attending one of Michigan’s independent colleges and universities, several of which operate in the Catholic tradition. Ten years ago the budget for the program was over $60 million. The proposed budget increase for the 2014-15 Fiscal Year brings the program up from last year’s appropriation of $31.6 million to approximately $33.5 million, an estimated $1.8 million increase. Students who demonstrate financial need may quality for a maximum Tuition Grant of $1,524 per academic year.

The Department of Higher Education conference committee budget report will need to be approved by the Michigan House of Representatives and State Senate before heading to Governor Snyder.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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