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News Release: Homestead Property Tax Credit Expansion Applauded

June 11, 2014

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference today expressed appreciation to members of the State Senate, Republicans and Democrats, for recognizing low-income households during the chamber’s road funding deliberations. According to legislation that overwhelmingly passed the Senate this afternoon, approximately $200 million will be allocated toward renters and homeowners through an expanded Homestead Property Tax Credit.

“Expanding the Homestead Property Tax Credit makes for good policy whether or not it is tied to efforts to raise revenue for the roads,” said Michigan Catholic Conference Vice President for Public Policy and Advocacy Tom Hickson. “A moral society is one that recognizes its vulnerable citizens, and today both parties in the Senate upheld this principle by expanding the tax credit for low-income households. We appreciate the efforts of Majority Leader Richardville and Minority Leader Whitmer, along with Senator Hildenbrand for his legislation, for their actions today and now look forward to similar efforts on the House side.”

According to the legislation, the Homestead Property Tax Credit will be expanded to households earning between $41,000 and $70,000 per year, with a greater credit available to those in lower income tiers. The expansion of the credit is connected to the Legislature’s effort this week to raise significant revenue to repair the state’s troubled roads.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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