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News Release: Statement in Response to U.S. Court of Appeals Granting MCC an Injunction Regarding HHS Mandate

January 1, 2014

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC) is welcoming an injunction issued December 31, 2013 by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals that prevents MCC and its affiliates from having to choose between paying crippling fines or facilitating the provision of abortion-inducing drugs, sterilizations, and contraceptives to their employees. The order prohibits the government from enforcing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' objectionable mandate against the MCC, its co-appellant and those Catholic entities that receive their health benefit from MCC pending further order from the court. While the decision is a preliminary ruling, and the merits of the case are soon to be considered, MCC is hopeful that the final disposition of this case will support religious freedom and rights of conscience.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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