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News Release: Catholic Conference Addresses Senate DHS Budget

April 14, 2011

(Lansing)—Michigan Catholic Conference, the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state, today addressed its concerns regarding the Department of Human Services budget that passed out of Senate subcommittee earlier this afternoon. Of primary concern to the Conference is the proposal to implement a 48-month time limit policy that will immediately cut assistance to over 12,600 vulnerable Michigan families. The Conference's additional concerns related to the Senate DHS budget are as follows:

"Michigan Catholic Conference expresses its appreciation to the subcommittee for reinserting language in the department budget that would maintain eligibility for those with a drug-related offense. The Conference looks forward to working with key members of the Legislature, Republicans and Democrats, as well as the administration as the Department of Human Services budget is finalized."

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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