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News Release: Michigan Catholic Conference Calls for Religious Freedom in Adoption Services

June 22, 2006

(LANSING)—Michigan Catholic Conference Vice President for Public Policy Paul A. Long released the following statement today in support of House Bills 5908 and 5909, legislation that would guarantee the religious freedom of faith-based adoption agencies:

“It is the belief of the Michigan Catholic Conference that faith-based adoption agencies can and should be assured their constitutional right to religious freedom, and this legislation helps to guarantee such a right is reflected in state law,” says Long. “As the First Amendment of the United States Constitution provides for the free exercise of religion, and the Michigan Constitution in Article 4, Section 4 reads ‘The civil and political rights, privileges and capacities of no person shall be diminished or enlarged on account of his religious belief,’ the State of Michigan has a constitutional obligation to protect the religious freedom of those adoption agencies which operate under a faith-based mission statement.”

House Bills 5908 and 5909, sponsored by Representatives John Stahl (R-North Branch) and Scott Hummel (R-DeWitt), respectively, passed the House Family and Children Services Committee today now await consideration from the full House of Representatives.

Michigan Catholic Conference is the official public policy voice of the Catholic Church in this state.

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