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Lansing Update publishes on Fridays when the Michigan Legislature is in session and chronicles legislative activity of interest to Michigan Catholic Conference. Join the Catholic Advocacy Network to receive Lansing Update in your inbox.

    MCC Calls on Grassroots to Oppose Abortion Mandate Bill

    A young, pregnant woman silhouetted in front of a window with the words

    A bill that equates abortion with childbirth when it comes to employe benefits advanced in the Legislature, prompting MCC to issue an action alert to Catholics to contact their lawmakers to oppose the bill. Separately, MCC-supported bills to ensure safe drinking water in schools and to proactively prevent sexual abuse moved forward.

    Update: Gun Bills Signed, ID for All Introduced

    Tom Hickson, vice president for public policy and advocacy for MCC, speaks at a press conference announcing the driver’s license legislation. Bill sponsors pictured behind him include Sen. Stephanie Chang (left) and Rep. Abraham Aiyash (second from left).

    The Governor signed two of the three gun safety reforms that MCC supports, while the third component passed the state House this week. Also, a MCC priority for this legislative session—allowing the undocumented to again obtain driver’s licenses—was introduced.

    Gun Safety Bills Pass Legislature and Much More

    r. Michael Rice, the state superintendent, addresses nonpublic school leaders attending the MANS public policy day.

    MCC-backed bills to implement gun safety reforms have passed the Legislature and are headed to the Governor. Plus, MCC weighs in on other measures before the Legislature dealing with abortion, helping prisoners return to society and helping the working poor. That and much more in

    Abortion Extremism Runs Rampant in Lansing

    MCC spoke out on bills moving through the Legislature that promote abortion extremism, including a bill to force some employers to cover elective abortions as part of their employee benefit plans. Also, read about updates on legislation MCC does support to improve access to clean drinking water and promote gun safety in

    MCC Champions Historic Tax Cut for Working Poor Into Law

    Tom Hickson, MCC vice president for public policy and advocacy, testifies before the House Judiciary Committee on adding religious protections to Senate Bill 4.

    MCC celebrated the signing into law this week a substantial tax cut for the working poor, capping years of advocacy. But there was less to celebrate as legislation that fails to protect religious organizations from discrimination moved forward, as did legislation that could make abortion more dangerous for women. More updates on those issues and other important bills of interest to MCC in

    MCC Active on Three High-Profile Legislative Issues This Week

    Rebecca Mastee, policy advocate for MCC, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee and Paul Stankewitz, policy advocate for MCC, testifying before the House Judiciary Committee.

    MCC testified on high-profile abortion legislation and gun bills and spoke out against Senate legislation that moved this week that failed to include religious protections among expanded civil rights. Also this week, nearly 170 Catholics met with lawmakers in Lansing to advocate for driver’s licenses for immigrants and refugees. Read more in

    Gun Safety Measures Top of Legislature’s Mind After MSU and more…

    Michigan State University sign.

    Gun safety reforms moved to the top of the legislative agenda after the tragic MSU shooting. Find out more about what's been introduced and where MCC stands. Also, advocates are setting records for the messages they have sent to lawmakers urging them to include religious protections in pending civil rights legislation. Read about that and more in

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