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Lansing Update: Legislation Encourages Paid Adoption Leave for Parents and more…

In this edition:

Bill Incentivizing Employers to Provide Paid Adoption Leave Among Adoption Reforms

Employers would be incentivized to provide paid adoption leave to their employees through a new tax credit proposed under a bill supported by Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC).

House Bill 6070 was one of several bills MCC supported that are part of a broader package to improve the foster care and adoption process to help families who are caring for these children. The legislation was developed following recommendations issued by a bipartisan task force on how to improve the child welfare system and the adoption process.

The bills moved unanimously out of the House Families, Children and Seniors Committee earlier this week. Here are the bills MCC supported:

Time Running Short to Help Expand Education Opportunities for All Low-Income Students

The June 1 deadline is fast approaching to add your signature to a petition to expand education opportunities for low-income students across the state, so we are encouraging all Catholics to join their bishops in seeking out the petitions and signing them if they haven't already.

Petition sheets associated with the Let MI Kids Learn proposal must be mailed back to the campaign ahead of a June 1 deadline to submit to the state for consideration. More than 340,000 valid signatures are needed to get the proposal before the Legislature for consideration, and it's critical to get many more than the minimum threshold as a cushion against any faulty signatures.

Catholic parishes and schools across the state are encouraged to have their members sign the petitions and collect signatures to create a scholarship program to give low-income families money toward out-of-pocket education expenses.

To learn how to sign a petition or get involved with the collection efforts, contact your parish for more information. The campaign website also has a list of petition-signing locations by county. There is also an option to have petition sheets mailed directly to you. For more information, visit the campaign website.

Substance Abuse Prevention Fund & Commission Bills Headed to Governor

Funding from a national settlement would be directed toward helping people affected by substance use disorders, under a package of bills supported by MCC, approved by the Legislature and now headed to the Governor for her consideration.

Senate Bills 993, 994, and 995 set up a special fund to receive money from a national settlement reached with opioid distributors and an opioid manufacturer. Michigan is a participant and will receive almost $800 million out of the $26 billion total settlement.

The legislation would set up an Opioid Advisory Commission, which would be tasked with reviewing initiatives related to education, prevention, treatment and services for those affected by substance use and their families, so as to recommend to the Legislature how best to use the funds.

U.S. Senate Again Fails to Advance Radical Abortion Expansion Bill

The U.S. Senate this week tried and failed to advance an extreme abortion expansion bill, just a few months after a previous vote on the bill also failed.

The so-called Women's Protection Health Act would have imposed abortion on demand nationwide at any stage of pregnancy through federal statute and would have eliminated pro-life laws at every level of government. While the bill was defined as codifying the Roe v. WadeSupreme Court decision, it went much further than that.

In a statement issued after the vote this week, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) said "As a nation built on the recognition that every human being is endowed by its Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, we implore Congress to stop pushing abortion as a solution to the needs of women and young girls, and instead embrace public policy that fully respects and facilitates these rights and the needs of both mother and child."

Michigan Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters both voted in favor of the bill. We thank anyone who responded to the call last week to contact our Michigan delegation to urge their no vote on this unfortunate legislation.

Join in Praying & Fasting for Dobbs Decision; Protection of Human Life

Today, when the Church remembers Our Lady's appearances to the children of Fatima, the U.S. bishops are calling on the faithful to pray the Rosary and fast because abortion advocates have called for nationwide demonstrations, disruptions of church services, and the personal intimidation of specific Supreme Court justices in the wake of the Dobbs draft opinion leak.

Here are the intentions to be prayed for:

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.