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Lansing Update: Help Stop Extreme Abortion Bill and more…

In this update:

Tell U.S. Senate to Stop Most Extreme Abortion on Demand Bill Ever Seen

An extreme bill that would allow abortion-on-demand through all of pregnancy and upend abortion restrictions across the country is set for a vote in the U.S. Senate next week, and Catholic bishops are calling on Catholics to urge their lawmakers to vote no.

The Senate is expected to vote Monday on the deceptively named Women's Health Protection Act, which has already cleared the U.S. House. If the bill were enacted, it would impose abortion on demand nationwide at any stage of pregnancy, eliminating pro-life laws at every level of government, including:

The legislation would force every American to support abortions here and abroad with their tax dollars. And it would likely force health care providers and professionals to perform, assist in, and/or refer for abortion against their deeply held beliefs, as well as force employers and insurers to cover or pay for abortion.

"Abortion is the opposite of women's health care, and is an extreme violation of human rights. It has no clear justification in terms of women's health," said Archbishop William E. Lori and Archbishop Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan in a letter to senators. Archbishop Lori chairs the Committee on Pro-Life Activities for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and Archbishop Dolan heads up the USCCB Committee for Religious Liberty.

The USCCB has been fighting the legislation but needs the help of everyone who cares for protecting the dignity of human life, especially the lives of women and children.

Click here to send a pre-written message to Michigan Senators Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters urging their opposition to the H.R. 3755, the most extreme abortion on demand bill ever seen.

In their letter, the archbishops urged senators to instead devote the resources of the federal government "behind policies that fully recognize and support both mothers and their children," pointing out that the Catholic Church supports, helps staff, and funds pregnancy help centers and ministries.

The USCCB has also launched Walking With Moms In Need, a nationwide initiative to engage every Catholic parish in providing a safety net to ensure pregnant and parenting moms have the resources, love, and support they need to nurture the lives of their children. Click here to find out more about this initiative and how to get involved at your parish.

Website Dedicated to Opposing Proposed Abortion Amendment Launches

The group dedicated to defeating a proposed abortion constitutional amendment has launched a website detailing how the amendment would overturn all existing pro-life laws that protect women and unborn children.

The opposition group is called Citizens to Support MI Women & Children and is a coalition of members that includes Michigan Catholic Conference (MCC). The website provides a summary of what is being proposed in the so-called "Reproductive Freedom For All" initiative and an in-depth analysis on the extreme intent of the amendment.

More information will be added to the website, and for now, you can sign up to get updates on how to help oppose Planned Parenthood's effort to enshrine abortion-on-demand in the state constitution and erase numerous pro-life laws enacted by the people of the state.

Governor Signs Bills Providing COVID Tests for Schools, Limiting Unnecessary Incarceration

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently signed a bill into law to provide more COVID tests for schools - including Catholic schools - as well as separate legislation designed to limit unnecessary incarceration.

House Bill 5523, sponsored by Rep. Julie Calley (R-Portland) includes $14.9 million for COVID tests for schools, including Catholic schools.

The Governor also signed House Bills 4149 and 4151 to reclassify several fishing and hunting misdemeanors as civil infractions, so individuals who commit the violations would receive civil fines rather than jail time.

MCC supported these measures to ensure Michiganders are not forever criminalized and to offer judges more discretion to determine the appropriate response to a crime. The legislation was sponsored by Reps. John Damoose (R-Harbor Springs) and Steven Johnson (R-Wayland).

A third bill with a similar purpose - House Bill 4152, sponsored by Gary Howell (R-North Branch) - passed the Legislature but has not been presented to the Governor yet.

Lansing Catholic Football Celebrated by Lawmakers at State Capitol

The Lansing Catholic Cougars football team was celebrated this week at the state Capitol for their 2021 state championship in an event hosted by State Rep. Sarah Anthony (D-Lansing) and attended by state lawmakers from the Capitol region.

Pope Francis Calls for Day of Prayer, Fasting for Ukraine Next Wednesday

Pope Francis has called for making next Wednesday, March 2 - Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent - a day of prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine, which is facing military attacks from Russia.

"May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war,"Pope Francis said this past Wednesday during his General Audience address.

In response to the Holy Father's call, here is a prayer for peace you can join in.