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Michigan Catholic Conference offers print copies of Focus free-of-charge in any amount. To order, please email Karah May or call (517) 372-9310.

    With Gratitude for African-American Catholics

    Front cover of “With Gratitude for African-American Catholics”

    African-American Catholics have contributed substantially to the shaping of communities across the country. Currently there are six African-Americans in the early stages of examination for sainthood. Their life stories and witness to the Gospel demonstrate the importance of generosity, faith, and perseverance in the midst of challenges and at times, experiences of racism. FOCUS highlights potential and current saints of African descent, and shares Catholic teaching that encourages all believers to speak out against racism.

    A Blueprint for the Common Good: 2021–2022 Advocacy Principles

    Front cover of MCC's Focus publication, “A Blueprint for the Common Good”

    Catholics are called to a life of charity and justice, which includes engagement in the democratic process and in decisions that impact local communities. In this spirit, Michigan Catholic Conference exists as the advocacy voice of the Church in Michigan, standing up for justice and dignity during the formation of statewide public policy. Within its February Focus publication, A Blueprint for the Common Good, MCC outlines ten principles that will inform the organization’s upcoming work at the State Capitol during the 2021–2022 legislative session